An Autonomous Institute under the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India
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Director’s desk

Director's Report for 52nd Foundation Day on 14th Sept. 2023

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July 2024

Department of Pathology

Name Qualification Designation Registration No
(Issued by State Medical Council)
Dr. Sushma Khuraijam MBBS, MD (Pathology) Professor & Head MNP – 01098 dr-sushma
Dr. Sorokhaibam Babina
MBBS, MD (Pathology)  Professor MNP – 00448 dr-babina-sorokhaibam
Dr. Mutum Reeta Devi MBBS, MD (Pathology) Professor MNP – 01264 dr-reeta
Dr. Gayatri Pukhrambam MBBS, MD (Pathology) Professor MNP – 01154 dr-gayatri-p
Dr. Ratan Konjengbam MBBS, MD (Pathology) Professor MNP – 01241 dr-ratan
Dr. O. Okendrajit Singh MBBS, MD (Pathology) Professor MNP – 01095 dr-oken-pp
Dr. L. Rajesh Singh
MBBS, MD (Pathology) Professor MNP – 01094 rajesh
Dr. Sharmila Laishram
MBBS, MD (Pathology) Associate Professor MNP – 01265 sharmila
Dr. Babina Sarangthem
MBBS, MD (Pathology) Associate Professor MNP – 01090 dr-babina-sarangthem
Dr. Kh. Ambala Devi MBBS, MD (Pathology) Associate Professor MNP – 00430 dr-ambala
Dr. Kh. Sucheta Devi MBBS, MD (Pathology) Associate Professor MNP – 01180 dr-sucheta
Dr. Rachel Shimray MBBS, MD (Pathology) Assistant Professor MNP – 01266 dr-rachel
Dr. Soram Gayatri Gatphoph MBBS, MD (Pathology) Assistant Professor MNP – 01121 dr-gayatri-soram
Dr. Zothansung Joute MBBS, MD (Pathology) Assistant Professor MNP – 00887 dr-joute
Dr. L. Deepak Kumar  MBBS, MD (Pathology) Assistant Professor MNMC – 00314 deepak
Dr. Thingujam Deeparani MBBS, MD (Pathology) Senior Resident MMC – 01494 deeparani
Dr. Yengkhom Daniel Singh MBBS, MD (Pathology) Senior Resident MNP – 03690 daniel
Dr. Depika Sanasam MBBS, MD (Pathology) Senior Resident MNP – 00685 depika
Dr. Haobijam Persy MBBS, MD (Pathology) Senior Resident MNMC – 01851 persy
Dr. Abena Hidangmayum MBBS, MD (Pathology) Senior Resident MNMC – 03966 abena
Dr. Nirvana Thangjam MBBS, MD (Pathology) Senior Resident MNMC – 02274 nirvana
Dr. Athokpam Marina MBBS, MD (Pathology) Senior Resident MMC – 00947 marina
Dr. Leishangthem Nabina MBBS, MD (Pathology) Senior Resident MNP – 01592 nabina
Dr. Rajkumari Jayshree Devi MBBS, MD (Pathology) Senior Resident MNMC – 04826 jayshree